Available on the Mac App Store



Can I run Booked as a single user?

Yes you can.

Is every task shared?

The task in your privat project are never shared. You can chose to share or not share local projects.


Will there be a ‘cloud’ version of the server?

Sort of. There are 3rd party cloud services providers for CouchDB. You will be able to user their services and you have to pay for them, too - they are quite affordable and free to a certain amount of usage. There will be a free BookedAdmin app to configure the services for Booked. Right now we have an early alpha running on Cloudant, Iris Couch and Couchappy. Expect this feature at the end of Q2 2014.

Cam I connect to the BookedServer via the internet?

You could run a VPN to do it. Making BookedServer accessible directly to the internet is a bad idea.


Will there be an iOS version of Booked?

We hope to get you an iOS version in 2014.

Can I run my server on Linux/Windows?

As soon as BookedAdmin will be released, you can. Because the server is just a vanilla CouchDB with some custom settings. You will be able to install the serve on many Linux, BSD and Windows boxes. You will need to run BookedAdmin on a Mac though.


How can I backup my Booked data?

Backup your ‘~/Library/Containers/booked’ folder.

And how to backup the BookedServer data?

Backup everything in ‘~/Library/Application Support/com.bookedapp.BookedServer’ You can backup your data while BookedServer is running.

Will there be SSL/TLS

It’s in the planning. Very soon for Server-Mode and in the near future Team-Mode.

More FAQs...

are gonna pouring in ASAP!

In the meantime you can reach us at